Miller and Son's Supermarket Online Shopping
Frequently Asked Questions:
General Questions:
How do I start shopping for groceries online?
Visit “” and select link at top of page to “Create Account”.
Why do I need to create an account to shop for groceries online?
This is necessary so you can receive email confirmations that your order has been “Placed”, order is in “Progress”, and order is “Ready For Pickup”.
What dates and times are available for Pick Up?
When you select “Checkout” you must select a “Pick Up Date” and “Time”. Due to high volumes of online orders at this time – the Pick Up Date may be limited and 2-3 weeks out.
Do you provide Delivery for online groceries?
At this time – all online orders are “Pick Up Only” at Miller’s Verona or Mount Horeb locations..
How do I pay for online order?
Pay online with Credit Card.
You may pay for your online order with Credit Card at time of Check Out.
We temporarily authorize your card for the higher of $5 or 10% of the item total. It helps account for charges like bottle deposit, final sales tax, and items sold by weight. As soon as your order is complete, we charge your card for exactly what was in your final order.
Note: If you add items to your order and the amount of your order is greater than the original “hold” on your credit card – you will need to re-submit credit card for payment. You will receive an email with link to update payment.
What type of payments are accepted?
Online Payment:
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.
EBT SNAP coming soon.
How do I know if my order has been “Placed”?
You must select “Place Order” at bottom of Page.
You will receive a confirmation email that your order has been “Placed”. If you have not received this confirmation email- we do have a record of your online order.
When will my online order be “Ready For Pickup”?
Your online order will be ready for pickup by the date and time you have selected. You will receive a confirmation email that your order is “Ready for Pickup”.
If your order is ready BEFORE the date and/or time you have selected – you may pick up your online order anytime after you have received the confirmation email for Pick up.
Where do I park to pick up my online order?
Both Miller’s stores have designated parking stalls for pickup.
Verona store – enter parking lot from Main St and take a right to parking lot facing street. Stalls are located facing the street.
Mount Horeb Store – pick up stalls are located at front of store on left side of building.
How do I notify the store that I am here to pick up my online order?
Verona store – call 608-206-0721 or 608-845-6478.
Mount Horeb store – call 608-437-3081.
How do I update my account information?
Log into your account and select the “My Account” link.
How much is the Pick Up charge?
$4.95 any size order.
Which days/hours do you offer Pick Up for Groceries?
See website for available days and hours.
Limited days and hours available to high volume of orders.
Currently, we offer Pick Up of online groceries Monday thru Saturday.
How does Miller and Son’s Supermarket use my personal information?
Please read our Privacy Policy.
Shopping Questions:
Will the prices be the same for items online as in the store? -including items on promotion?
Yes-they are all the same.
How do I shop for specific items online?
You can shop by Department, Category, Description, Brand, Sale Items, Past Purchases, and your Favorites.
Can I search by UPC code or Produce PLU?
Yes. Enter the entire 12-13 digit UPC or for a short UPC code enter the entire 8 digit UPC. For Produce items – enter either the entire UPC code or the 4 or 5 digit number on the Produce Identification label.
Can I redeem my Miller’s Family Rewards points for my online order?
At check out enter the amount of points or dollar amount you would like to redeem.
When Online Shopper finalizes your order they will associate you to the transaction with mobile phone number. We will redeem your points and you will also accrue points with your online order.
If you need to know your points balance visit the following Loyalty link.
Can I use coupons?
If you are a Miller’s Family Rewards Member we will accept “Clipped” Digital Coupons.
We DO NOT accept Paper coupons for online shopping.
Visit this link to create an account to clip Digital Coupons.
If you have purchased an item online and have “Clipped” a Digital Coupon for the item – at time of checkout we will enter your Miller’s Family Rewards mobile phone number to associate you before finalizing your online order. Digital Coupons will be applied to your order.
Starting March 31st 2022.
If the item I ordered goes on promotion AFTER I order it, will I receive the promotional price?
If the item you ordered is on promotion between the time you order and the time the personal shopper picks your order, you will receive the promotional price.
Note: Due to Corona Virus – limited promotional pricing online and in-store.
If an item changes retail price AFTER I add it to my cart and BEFORE I check out, what price do I pay?
The current retail price is reflected in your order AFTER you checkout.
If I add an item to my shopping cart that is an approximate weight what will be the charge? Example: Bananas, Pork Chops, etc.
The shopping cart will reflect the estimated weight of the item price per pound. When we pick your order those items will be weighed and you will pay the exact weight of the item you purchased.
What if an item is unavailable? Will an item be substituted?
Review the substitution options and the online shopper will make every attempt to honor your selection.

Can I purchase Alcohol or Tobacco online for Pick Up?
Yes. Once you arrive for Pick Up – you must provide proof of age BEFORE groceries are placed in your vehicle.
Can I add an item AFTER I complete my order?
Yes. Open the confirmation email you received when placing the order and select the link “Click Here To View Your Order Details”. This will take you to the online site and your current order. Then select “Add Items to Your Order”.
You can now add items by “searching”.
Note: You have up to 24 hours to add items to your existing order.
Note: Be careful here – as you may accidentally create another order. We are working on the process of “adding items to your order” to become an easier process.
Also, you can always text or call 608-206-0721 to add an item to your order – Verona Store
Call 608-437-3081 for Mount Horeb store
Can I delete an item AFTER I completed my order?
Please call or email support and we will try to remove the item for you.
What do I do if I have receive an item or items that are spoiled or out of date?
Please contact online shopping support by email or phone and we will issue you a refund. Please also have the receipt available.
Verona Store:
Call 608-206-0721.
Mount Horeb Store:
Call 608-437-3081
How do I see my Order History, Shopping Lists, Favorites, and Recipes?
Log into your account and select the “My Account” link.
What if I have questions or need help with online shopping?
Call or email Miller & Son’s Supermarket online support.
Verona Store:
Support Hours: 6:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Monday – Saturday
Phone: 608-206-0721
For general questions other than online shopping please call:
Monday – Saturday
Store Hours: 6:30 AM – 9:00 PM
Store Hours: 6:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Mount Horeb Store:
Support Hours: 6:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Monday – Saturday
Phone: 608-437-3081
For general questions other than online shopping please call:
Monday – Saturday
Store Hours: 6:30 AM – 9:00 PM
Store Hours: 6:30 AM – 7:00 PM